​​​Presented By Hill Country Festivals LLC

​​​​​​​​​​Kerrville Renaissance Festival

Kerrville Renaissance Festival Fair

Greetings Friends of the Kerrville Renaissance Festival! Renaissance Magazine is a 20+ year old publication that features articles about Medieval and Renaissance history, arts, and culture as well as the Renaissance faire community.


Presented By Hill Country Festivals

Thai Bistro is great place to

eat in Kerrville.

Everything is made to order.

Be patient, its worth the wait.

1201 Broadway

Kerrville, TX 78028


Monday - Saturday

Lunch 11am -3pm

Supper 5pm - 9pm

Closed Sunday

Trailer we’re loving: Daniel Radcliffe & Steve Buscemi are back in the 2nd

season of Miracle Workers. This time they are in the Dark Ages. 
Same Cast, Different Story. January 28th on TBS
#DarkAges @MiracleWorkersTBS @MiracleTBS